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Ready for a health restart?

“Don’t feel like you’re behind — because you’re not. Every day is a new opportunity to reset your health,” Jennifer Hoppert said.

The official start of the new year, January 1, is now two weeks past. For many, well-intentioned health goals may be weakening if not entirely abandoned. In this case, a nutritional restart can bring things back on course.

Jennifer Hoppert BA, NTMC and the Nutritional Health Coach for the Natural Grocers store located on Main Street in Longmont, reminds people to go a little easier on themselves even if 2023 is beginning differently than planned. 

“Don’t feel like you’re behind — because you’re not. Every day is a new opportunity to reset your health,” she said.

Hoppert — who has also served as the nutritionist for the 2019 Boulder Collegians baseball team and the meal planner for the FHS lacrosse team — discussed the value of restarting. 

 "It’s never too late to re-energize your motivation. There’s a saying when you’re in a triage situation when things are overwhelming. It’s ‘start where you stand.’ I think of that in this situation and advise people not to put too much stress on themselves because that will only create more overwhelm. I’d suggest that they don’t lose hope. Don’t throw it all out the window. Start today,” Hoppert said. 

Hoppert also speaks with customers who want to boost their immunity during cold and flu season or get back to healthier habits after overindulging in sugar-laden pies, cookies and cocktails. 

“Their motivation is strong, and they know how important it is to make a change in their health,” she said. “In many of my one-on-one coaching sessions, clients also talk about supporting healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

In support of customers who are looking to restart, Natural Grocers is holding a 4-day, storewide restart sale, which runs Jan. 17-21. Along with this, Hoppert has some tips for restarters including suggesting that they reconsider how to detox. 

“Some detoxes are so hard on your body. Instead, having the discipline to prepare and enjoy regular balanced meals will feed your organ system and cells so that it has what it needs to work properly and support a more natural, daily detox.”

Hoppert also encourages her clients to focus on limiting added sugars in their diet as well as identifying toxins throughout their environment. These could include health and beauty products, home cleaning items with fragrances, and household water supplies. 

For those who want more concrete suggestions in the new year, Hoppert also offers three specific ideas for food swaps that make sense: 

- Balanced meals matter. Instead of having a high carbohydrate breakfast with sweetened coffee and a bagel, add a protein and fat which balance your blood sugar and prevent glucose spikes. 

- Avoid chemical low calorie sweeteners. Instead, use naturally derived, zero calorie options like stevia.

- Add vegetables to whatever you’re eating, whenever you can. Have a salad instead of fries with a burger for example or include green items in your omelet. 

Hoppert provided tips like these to customers taking part in one of the upcoming, no-cost, 21-day motivation classes at every Natural Grocers store. She will host the Longmont class, which begins Saturday, January 28 at 11 a.m. The three sessions will cover preparing healthier meals, balancing blood sugar in a diet and steps towards healthier, natural detoxification. 

However individuals choose to approach their health at this time of year, Hoppert said there isone important fact to keep in mind: self-kindness.

 “I would tell anyone I talk to about this to give themselves a pat on the back,” Hoppert said “ Every day we have the chance to improve ourselves emotionally, physically and psychologically. They should be very proud of themselves to get out and get their health started. Don’t feel like you’re behind – because you’re not.”