This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Wibby Brewing
Equal Hops IPL (Indian Pale Lager)
7% ABV 76 IBUS
Drinking Options as of July 11, 2017
Draft & Can
I’m going to open this beer review with a disclaimer. This is a beer that fills me with nostalgia. Taking me back to memories sitting on a sea front in the tropics watching the sun set. Letting the salty breeze carry my stress away as I cram for exams. Equal Hops IPL is the type of beer Americans first based the pale ale off of. If you want to get a glimpse of what a pint of bitter tastes like in a British colony in the tropics this is an excellent beer to start with.
What I Say About The Beer:
This IPL is distinctly bitter without that bitterness overpowering the aromatics from the hops and the notes from orange citrus. The carbonation effervesces on the sides of your tongue adding to the enjoyment as you rest the beer in your mouth before swallowing. A wonderful beer to sip after a day of work in the sun. Fantastic cold, still good after it warms up... go ahead order a large glass.
What Wibby Says About Their Beer:
A hop head red lager with a smooth, malt finish & a pungent, citrusy hop aroma. Wibby’s smoother version of your favorite IPA.