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GuelphToday is an exclusively online news and information site that provides breaking news to you, our reader, as fast as you want it, wherever you are.  Desktop? Mobile? Tablet? Definitely. We are optimized to give you the best reader experience in any format you choose.

GuelphToday is part of the Village Media network, which operates some of the largest online news sites in the communities they serve.  The sites are driven by news and information that appeals to a highly engaged, loyal audience.

We break locally-driven news written by local journalists and cover all the important issues in your “Village.” It’s our top priority. We update throughout the day, so when you come back to visit, chances are you’ll find something new.

In addition to hard news, we also provide information that is important to the community that you won’t find in most media.  We like to write stories about new local businesses, highlight special events and bring you general information about anything that impacts the heart of the community.  Although we are hyper-local in our approach, we also provide national news from The Canadian Press, editorial columnists, entertainment and special features.

We’re independent and it shows in everything we do. And we promise that we’ll remain fiercely local. Like you.

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Village Media Complaint/Concern Review Process

Village Media Complaint/Concern Review Committee handles complaints about journalistic content or conduct appearing on any one of Village Media’s sites (North Bay, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, Barrie, Guelph).

Send your complaints or comments to the Village Media Complaint Review Committee by email or regular mail to the following:


Standard mail:     

Village Media Concern Review Committee
Village Media,
642 Queen Street East, Second Floor
Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada P6A 2A4

Please include the following in your communication:

•    Your full name
•    Mailing address
•    Telephone number

We require this in case we need to get in touch with you.

The Village Media Complaint/Concern Review Committee will not handle anonymous complaints, or complaints containing insults, offensive remarks, profanities or aggressive language.

The Committee reserves the right not to handle complaints that are identical to one already received, or that are part of a series of complaints orchestrated by one individual, organization or interest group. In this case, the Committee will decide to handle only the initial complaint.

The Committee will read your complaint or comments to determine whether it warrants a response from Village Media management (all complaints are shared with Village Media management).

If your complaint warrants a response from Village Media management, the Committee forwards it to the appropriate news manager or executive, who should responsible for handling the initial response to your complaint, in consultation with the journalist.

The Committee will determine whether the disputed journalistic content or conduct adheres to Village Media’s journalistic standards and practices (see below).

If the complaint is deemed justified, the Committee may make recommendations for the future.

GuelphToday is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact If you are not satisfied with the response, visit the NNC web site at or call toll-free at 1-844-877-1163.

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