This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
You care about the safety of your friends, family and coworkers. Safe Shelter has advocated for and supported survivors of abuse for almost 40 years, but dating and partner violence continues. Now there’s a way for you to be part of the solution.
You care about the safety of your friends, family and coworkers. So do we. Safe Shelter has advocated for and supported survivors of abuse for almost 40 years, but dating and partner violence continues. Now there’s a way for you to be part of the solution. We invite you to support our work to end this violence through Live & Give and to join in by taking the WRC pledge never to commit, condone, or remain silent about men’s violence against women and girls in all its forms.
The Boulder DA’s Office estimates that there are 2,000 reported cases of domestic violence in the County annually. Close to 40% of those cases were reported in our own community: the City of Longmont. Many more remain unreported because of the danger and fear that victims silently suffer. These folks are among the people you know. They are your children, siblings, employees, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Not all males abuse their partners, but over 90% of abusers are male. We believe that men are part of the solution for a future that is safe and equitable for all people.
Taking Action: The White Ribbon Campaign
Your tax deductible donation can help us realize our campaign. Safe Shelter and a diverse, activated group of allies have joined together to launch a local affiliate of the White Ribbon Campaign, the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls and promote a new vision of masculinity. WRC members are fired up, full of ideas and ready to spread the word through compelling posters, visual installations and community presentations.
How You Can Help
Regardless of your gender, please help us meet our goal for a safer community. Our goal of $5,000 will support the public awareness activities of the WRC throughout our community for the next 12 months at cafes, businesses, community centers, restaurants, breweries and other partners.
For more information and how you or your business can partner with the WRC, contact [email protected]
About the Live & Give Program:
Help shape Longmont’s future in a single day.
On September 26th, Live & Give Longmont brings our community together for 24 hours of generosity. With everyone in the community giving whatever they can, we hope to raise start up funds for a few projects in our community. It’s about working together to accentuate the place we love—so it will continue to thrive today and for generations to come.