This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
In a County where poverty and a lack of affordable housing are on the rise, The Inn Between is crucial for those who have lost their housing or who are at imminent risk of losing their housing. Elderly and disabled residents need access to services; not just housing. The Inn empowers very low-income and fixed-income individuals with stability by meeting their critical housing need and also ensuring necessary resources are available so they can remain stable. The need for housing and supportive services in our community is steadily climbing. In 2016, United Church of Christ donated a 1/2 acre parcel of land to The Inn Between to build additional affordable housing units. The Micah project launched; its name derived from the Bible Book of Micah about overcoming injustice and defending the rights of the poor. In 2018, we will begin to construct 6 permanently affordable units that will house up to 14 very low income, elderly or disabled people.
We’re honored to be entrusted to accomplish this project for the good of the community and, most especially,
for the individuals who will benefit from it.
Below are 2 architectural drawings for the Micah Homes Project, created by Radian, Inc., a non-profit design group that focuses on creating healthy and sustainable communities. Highlights include a central walkway, community space and shared garden for the residents to enjoy.
About the Live & Give Program:
Help shape Longmont’s future in a single day.
On September 26th, Live & Give Longmont brings our community together for 24 hours of generosity. With everyone in the community giving whatever they can, we hope to raise start up funds for a few projects in our community. It’s about working together to accentuate the place we love—so it will continue to thrive today and for generations to come.