This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Crossroads School provides alternative education for at-risk youth, many of whom have low academic skills. Our remediation program provides annual one-on-one assessments for all students, followed by one-on-one remediation for students who struggle with literacy.
Crossroads School is an alternative middle and high school for students who struggle in traditional schools. We help them believe in themselves and their abilities again, then build skills and ultimately hope for the future. A big piece of that, often, is bolstering low academic skills–filling the “gaps” that have developed due to learning disabilities, chaotic lives, anxiety, multiple school changes, behavioral issues, or other barriers to learning. Literacy (reading, writing, and comprehension) are the most fundamental skills for other learning and ultimately for success in life, so we focus on bringing students up to functional levels in these crucial areas. Our remediation coordinator uses the Wide Range Achievement Test to track academic progress annually for all students. Based on that data, she does intensive, one-on-one remediation work with students who struggle. She targets specific deficits, provides practice, repetition, and encouragement. Repeat assessments demonstrate growth of 1-3 grades in literacy for every year at Crossroads, for those students who start below grade level.
About the Live & Give Program:
Help shape Longmont’s future in a single day.
On September 26th, Live & Give Longmont brings our community together for 24 hours of generosity. With everyone in the community giving whatever they can, we hope to raise start up funds for a few projects in our community. It’s about working together to accentuate the place we love—so it will continue to thrive today and for generations to come.