A Longmont nonprofit will be presenting a new documentary as part of its fall benefit.
The Reentry Initiative, or TRI, will be holding Stories of TRIumph 4-6:30 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Longmont Museum, which will feature the documentary “Under Water: Women, Prison & Trauma.”
The 15-minute film analyzes the cycles of trauma and incarceration and their particular impacts on women.
Immediately following the film, TRI will host a a talk-back with a professional panel including Colorado Department of Corrections Executive Director Dean Williams, Boulder County Chief Probation Officer Anjali Nandi, director and founder of Dream Tree Films Justin Bogardus, and Dominique Vodicka, a Boulder native who broke free from the cycle of incarceration to become TRI’s peer support specialist.
The Reentry Initaitive’s founding mission was to restore lives, reconcile families and renew communities by filling a gap in services to women reentering society in Boulder County.
In 2018, TRI became a Work and Gain Employment and Education Skills program, expanding its case management and support services. The expansion allowed TRI to start serving men and continue serving women as they reenter society.
Learn more about the Reentry Initiative and purchase tickets for $35 for the Oct. 2 event at www.reentryinitiative.org.