This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Younger generations have always chuckled at the older generations' perceived ineptitude with and resistance to new technology, but what do our oldest Americans really think of how technology has advanced and changed their lives?
In 2015, author Veronica Kirin set out to discover the answer to that question, traveling almost 12,000 miles to interview 100 elders (including two Longmont residents!) about how technology has changed society over the past 100 years. In doing so, she documented nearly 8,532 years of life lived.
Kirin brings the insights and stories of that research adventure to the Longmont Public Library on Thursday, October 3, from 7 to 8:30 pm in her program, "The Stories of Elders: What the Greatest Generation Knows about Technology that You Don't."
Kirin's interviews with members of the Greatest Generation are in turns poignant, humorous, insightful, and unexpected, and the lessons she gleans from these stories are more relevant to younger generations than might first be imagined.
Kirin videotaped each interview and edited those recordings into a 15-minute documentary, which will be shown and discussed at the program. She also took the information and wrote a book of the same name, published in September 2018. A book sale and signing will follow the presentation. Don't miss this unique and thought-provoking program.
Registration is required and is available online. Patrons without internet access or an email address may call 303-651-8472 to register by phone.