This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
The Love You Longmont show, on public access Channel 8, did an interview with Andy Man, a photographer and adventurer with National Geographic. It's an interesting an informative interview well worth watching (video link below).
Andy Mann Bio: Andy Mann is a world-renowned adventure photographer and co-founder of the adventure-based production company 3 Strings Productions. His work has been featured in National Geographic magazine, National Geographic Adventure, Outside, and the New York Times. As the former Senior Photographer for Climbing Magazine, Andy has been documenting dramatic landscapes for more than ten years. His work extends from mountain heights to the ocean's depths. Andy has documented eight deep-sea expeditions, including two for National Geographic's Pristine Seas project (an initiative to find, survey, and help protect the last wild places in the ocean). He is represented by National Geographic Creative and is a regular participant in NG Live lecture series. - See more at: