This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Echo & Cyrus
These two best friends would love to find their new forever home together. Cyrus and Echo are both four-years-old and love spending time together as well as with their favorite people. Echo can be bit more reserved than Cyrus and seems to feel more confident with the support of his best friend by his side. We would love to see these two boys go home together and so are offering their adoptions fees as two for the price of one! Come in and ask for a visit with Echo & Cyrus today!
Uleashing Your Dog: Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce
Longmont Humane Society Community Room
Tuesday, July 16, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
No matter how cushy their lives, dogs live on our terms. They compromise their freedom and instinctual pleasure, as well as their innate strategies for coping with stress and anxiety, in exchange for the love, comfort, and care they get from us. But it is possible to let dogs be dogs without wreaking havoc on our lives, as biologist Marc Bekoff and bioethicist Jessica Pierce show in this fascinating book. Learn more about 2019 LHS C.A.R.E.S. programming here.
2019 Low-Cost Vaccine Clinics
Keep your pets healthy and save money at one of Longmont Humane Society's Low-Cost Summer Vaccine Clinics for cats and dogs. Saturdays - July 20 & August 10 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Visit