This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Have you ever been behind a large pickup and had them rev their engines pouring smoke into the air (and your car)?
This is how you report it.
The Colorado Smoking Vehicle Hotline.
From their website:
The Smoking Vehicle Hotline program is designed to identify smoking vehicles and give owners information that will encourage them to voluntarily make needed repairs.
Report a smoking vehicle
Email the Smoking Vehicle Hotline:
- Please include the vehicle's license plate number and, if possible, whether it is gasoline- or diesel-powered.
- We’ll then send a Smoking Vehicle Notification to the address that appears on the vehicle's registration.
- Repairs to smoking vehicles are required if a vehicle fails a mandatory emissions test because of a visible smoke problem.
- The cause of such smoke must be corrected before the required emissions sticker can be issued.
- A police officer may stop a smoking vehicle, issue a ticket and order the owner to make repairs.
- Colorado law provides for a $25 fine for the first violation of the smoking vehicle law. The fine for subsequent violations is $100 (CRS 42-4-412, 413).
- Some municipalities impose additional fines for operating a smoking vehicle.
Thanks to reddit user u/OffDutyOp who originally posted this in the Longmont subreddit, along with additional comments that can be read by clicking here.