This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Your morning roundup of stories.
“Boulder County commissioners signaled Friday that they’re likely to adopt a resolution declaring the county’s commitment to upholding the goals of the Paris climate agreement,” reports The Longmont Times-Call. “The resolution up for a formal vote at Tuesday morning’s Board of County Commissioners meeting would also state Boulder County’s reaffirmation to its own commitment “to reducing climate pollution with aggressive greenhouse gas emission reduction targets” and to the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency ‘as important steps in achieving … climate goals.'”“Feeders of Loveland’s squirrels and birds could regain legal status, no matter what their neighbors say, on Tuesday night when the City Council considers final action on a proposal to overturn a 2003 ban,” reports The Loveland Rpeorter-Herald. “Also at its 6:30 p.m. meeting, the council will discuss the results of the city staff’s information-gathering efforts on municipal broadband internet service. The written reports take up more than 600 pages of the council’s agenda packet. The matter of the squirrels burst into the public consciousness earlier this month after a Larimer Humane Society animal control officer issued 80-year-old Gaylord Sigman a summons for feeding the rodents outside his Loveland home.”
“School District 51 handled double the number of suicide risk assessments for students in the past school year compared to recent years, but officials don’t see that as a negative sign,” reports The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. “On the contrary, helping more students who are at-risk for suicide means more kids are coming forward and making it possible for trained professionals to help, said Karin Vermeulen, a school psychologist and the district’s crisis psychological support team coordinator.”
“There’s a small but clear note on each of the doors at Bullock’s: ‘Doc Holliday died here November 8, 1887,’ reports The Glenwood Springs Post-Independent. “The downtown apparel-and-furniture store sits on the former site of Glenwood Springs Hotel, where the notorious gambler and gunfighter died 130 years ago. Until recently, that stenciled sentence was alone in marking the place where Holliday died of tuberculosis. But soon, Bullock’s will also host the Doc Holliday Museum.”
“This ain’t Hemingway’s bullfighting,” reports The Greeley Tribune. “That much was clear before the 15 contestants in the Greeley Stampede’s American bullfighting competition were driven in Chevy trucks to a pen on the west side of the Island Grove Arena, and long before a country singer spontaneously led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. The most important distinctions between American bullfighting and Ernest Hemingway’s beloved Spanish variant are that matadors earn up to $75,000 a fight, and — unlike on the bloody sands of Pamplona — on the dirt floor of Island Grove, the bulls aren’t killed.”
“The Air Force’s latest outstanding unit is made up of Colorado Springs airmen who do their duty on a part-time basis,” reports The Gazette in Colorado Springs. “The 302nd Airlift Wing at Peterson Air Force Base earned the service’s Outstanding Unit Award, a medal now worn by each of its airmen, for “‘distinguishing themselves by exceptionally meritorious service or outstanding achievement that clearly sets the unit above and apart from similar units.'”
“Funding for the Colorado Energy Office was cut off recently – but not for budget reasons. Instead, it was about the vision for the office,” reports The Durango Herald. “The Energy Office is an executive office program tasked with promoting innovative and efficient energy production and usage through “technical guidance, financial support, policy advocacy and public communications,” according to its website. The $3.1 million supplemental funding request would have allowed the office to continue operations into 2018, when lawmakers would have had another chance to address its long-term funding and purpose, or properly close out the program. The Legislature’s Joint Budget Committee rejected the request last week on a 3-3 party line vote with Republicans opposing the funding.”
“Sociology graduate students at the University of Colorado confessed in recent student-generated climate surveys overwhelming dissatisfaction with the department’s culture,” reports The Boulder Daily Camera. “Some university employees admit the results are concerning and deserve scrutiny while others are opting not to dwell in the past. “What I’m in a good position to deal with at present is what we’re doing now and what our future steps are,” said Ann Schmiesing, graduate school dean.”
“Emory Townsend pulls his Kia Sorento off Colorado 133 near a mailbox and fills it with letters and packages, just as he has twice a week for the last 60 years,” reports The Denver Post. “He turns his gaze toward the Raggeds Wilderness, its serrated ridges furrowing into lush benches of aspen and spruce. It was about 25 years ago when Townsend returned home from his mail route and announced to his wife, Beebe, that Ragged Mountain was very likely the oldest in Colorado. “She kinda looked at me all puzzled like a wife does when she can’t figure ya out and she asked me, ‘What makes you figure that’s oldest mountain in Colorado?’ ” he says, his blue eyes twinkling with a pending punchline. “I said, ‘Well, I was just looking at it today on the mail route and I decided it had more wrinkles than any other mountain in the state.’ ”
“Almost a year after the Hayden Pass Fire, local officials are still trying to obtain funding from state and federal entities to work on building and cleaning sections of the burn scar to prevent further damage,” reports The Cañon City Daily Record. “The Hayden Pass Fire, which started July 8, 2016, after a lightning strike, burned more than 16,500 acres in west Fremont County. On Saturday, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and local officials took part in a small tour of the area that is now being impacted by the burn scar’s watershed.”
This is a daily recap of stories from cities around Colorado and was originally published on The Colorado Independent. The Longmont Observer would like to thank The Colorado Independent, another non-profit 501(c)3 news entity, for their policy, similar to our own, of encouraging others to repost their content, as long as credit is given for its source.